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  1. I wish you the very best in your challenging journey with your health. Your resilience and dedication to the cause of accessibility are truly inspiring. Monika, I wish you the very best as well in continuing the efforts in educating and creating awareness on accessibility. Your work has clearly made a significant impact.

    I became a subscriber because DigitalA11Y is the best resource for me as a beginner in accessibility. The simplicity of your approach has made understanding the subject much more accessible. Good health and recovery to you, Raghavendra. Hoping you come back with renewed energy. Keep the faith, and more power to you!

  2. Your Zoom recordings on YouTube were my first introduction to NVDA!

    I was amazed by the many navigation options beyond just the Tab key, like browse mode with arrow keys, headings, landmarks, and lists. It completely shifted my perspective.

    I think you also mentioned that whenever there is a JavaScript interaction that affects the visibility or content of an element, then we have to make some ARIA considerations for it.

    I was also glad to watch the replay of the last WP Accessibility Meetup about auditing LifterLMS.

    You’ve taught me a lot so far. I wish you all the best in life.

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